Декабрь 22, 2008 12:33

            Dushanbe, December, 22th. (Farangis Rahimova, Tojiddin Rizvon, the NIAT "Khovar"). — World Bank (WB) permanent representative to Tajikistan Kyara Bronki and a group of journalists have visited, Khatlon province on December, 18th. The trip aimed acquaintance with (WB) project, realized in public health sphere. During the trip journalists have visited the rural medical centre in Boturobod settlement of Sarband area.            As the director of centre Saidmurod Sajdulloev has noted, in the mentioned medical centre within the framework of the project of communal and base public health services major repairs has been made, the centre has been equipped by the equipment and furniture. Now in the medical centre are working 4 qualified family doctors who render necessary medical aid to inhabitants of the settlement. Daily for the help in this centre address from to 20 inhabitants of area.             Within the framework of the project micro cells which structure includes useful vitamins and minerals are distributed to pregnant women and feeding mothers. Also during a trip participants have visited the medical house in Sakhalins mahalla of Sarband area where nearby primary medical aid is given to 2 thousand local residents. Besides, journalists have visited the clinical and training centre of Khatlon family medicine.            The new 3-storeyed building equipped with furniture, is calculated on 68 cots, and has a rest room, library, 3 educational rooms, a computer hall and a dining room. 115 doctors and 156 nurses have already passed curriculums of family medicine in this centre.

Декабрь 22, 2008 12:33

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