Декабрь 22, 2008 12:33

              Dushanbe, December, 22nd. (Mavdjuda Davlatzoda, Olga Saprykina, the NIAT "Khovar"). — Employees of the Drug Control Agency (DCA) of RТ during operatively-search actions in Dushanbe have detained the citizen which name in the interests of the investigation is not disclosed. The inhabitant of Shuroabad area, the student of one of the capital higher schools has been detained at attempt of realization of drugs. At a personal search he had a package with substance of psychogenesis with a specific smell.              According to the DCA expert, the withdrawn substance was hashish in weight about 4 kgs. As the NIAT "Khovar' was informed in the centre of public relations of the Agency, at carrying out of additional actions the accomplice of the given crime has been detained whose name also in the interests of the investigation is not disclosed. At the apartment search the package with hashish in weight about 1,5 kgs has been found out and withdrawn from the inhabitant of Dushanbe.             On the given fact criminal case is initiated, arrested persons are installed in the temporary detention room in DCA.

Декабрь 22, 2008 12:33

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