Декабрь 22, 2008 12:35

            Dushanbe, December, 22nd. (Lyudmila Dubinina, Tojiddin Rizvon, the NIAT "Khovar"). — On the main area of capital «Dusti» have placed a big New Year tree. With the pedestal account, its height makes 28 meters. And, already «the New Year's beauty» will start to dress up in the toys shining, multi-colored spheres, and garlands. As the deputy chief of central administrative board on an accomplishment of capital Sattorqul Hikmatov has informed to the Khovar correspondent, on the area to be placed scene where will pass a grandiose show concert with participation of stars of the Tajik variety and fireworks will be placed.             Meanwhile, according to the deputy chief of department of internal affairs of Dushanbe, the lieutenant colonel of militia Nigmatullo Bilolov, explanatory work in all areas of capital with an active of local bodies of the executive government on purpose of non-admission delivery and pyrotechnics sale now is spent. Besides, spot-checks in the markets and shops on its withdrawal are daily spent. Infringers are expected by the penalty at the rate to 200 minimum salaries, and for great volume of storage and realization of pyrotechnic means the penalty to 500 minimum salaries or punishment in the form of 2 years of imprisonment will be imposed.

Декабрь 22, 2008 12:35

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