Декабрь 22, 2008 12:31

             Dushanbe, December, 22th. (Lutphiya Eshonqulova, Tojiddin Rizvon, the NIAT "Khovar"). — On official data 3 thousand 486 persons are sick in Tajikistan with tuberculosis. The majority of them are registered in Khatlon area. It was informed to the Khovar correspondent the State committee of statistics (SCS) RТ.              For the purpose of preventive maintenance and struggle against this illness in many high schools and educational institutions workers of health bodies hold seminars and improvingly-preventive actions. Meanwhile, representatives of the city centre of public health services №8 have led discussion with students of the Tajik State pedagogical university (ТSPU). They have acquainted them with the first symptoms of tuberculosis; have explained to the students, what consequences are born by this disease and how much it is dangerous to human life.              Representatives of sector of public health services have noticed that today the number of cases of disease also has increased in Tajikistan gonorrhea and syphilis. Recently cases of illness of furiousness from a sting of animals have been registered. One of such cases has occurred in ТSPU one of students when it was bitten by a dog, but he has not been taken to any medical centers.              Later, under the insisting of teachers, the student has been hospitalized.    According to the SCS, for this year in RT 73 thousand 133 cases of disease have been registered with the infectious diseases, that on 1,8 % it is more in comparison with the indicator of last year.

Декабрь 22, 2008 12:31

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